Thought Leadership
Become the expert

Thought Leadership
Become the expert

Leverage your personal, knowledge, and network capital to position yourself as the authority in your field and create new opportunities and possibilities.

Trust is the currency of the future

We trust people more than companies. By actively sharing your knowledge and expertise, trust in you and your organization grows.

Become the expert in your network.

By positioning yourself as an expert, you not only increase your impact on your clients but also reach a much wider audience.

Future-proof for your business and career.

Trends come and go. Being recognized for your expertise and thereby remaining “top of mind” in your network makes you future-proof!

Become the Expert.
VIP training program

When you become the Expert in your network, a.k.a. Thought Leadership, it grants you the freedom to be less dependent on your surroundings and others.

This simple strategy is grounded in three fundamental capitals most of us forget about.

Personal Capital 
Leverage your unique skills and brand to create a distinct professional reputation that no one in the world can compete with, and that makes you much more effective at the same time!

Knowledge Capital
Your knowledge capital helps you create unique content that informs, inspires, and activates your target audience. The end result? You become the go-to expert in your field, with tangible business results as evidence.

Network Capital
With your network capital, you build a powerful network and seize opportunities. Smart networking strategies help you become the Thought Leader in your network and industry.

Leverage these in an effective and efficient way is the essence of Thought Leadership.

Thought Leadership training en consultancy

Martijn has contributed to the knowledge and networking skills of participants at:

Become the Expert
Program details

Are you that professional who wants to attract more leads or business opportunities?

Do you understand that your personal brand, content plan, and network strategy are the keys to this?
Let me then guide you through a personalized 1-on-1 program.

Align your goals and ambitions with your professional presence

  • Strengthening your value proposition and exploring the combination of your personal value’s, brand and expertise.
  • Optimization of the most critical elements of your LinkedIn profile 85% of visitors look for.

Elevate your professional narrative by developing a practical content plan that resonates with your audience and amplifies your expertise.

  • The 3 Pillars of a Successful Content Strategy.
  • Applying the 5C framework: Never be at a loss for ideas ever again.
  • The importance of a strategic comment strategy to improve your visibility.
  • How to achieve 3 to 4 times more reach for your posts on LinkedIn.
  • The 5 step strategy for creating a professional LinkedIn post

Who, where, when, and how strategic connections can propel you towards your professional objectives.

  • Actionable insights for finding and connecting with the right people via LinkedIn.
  • Practical strategy for inviting and building a relationship with new connections.
  • Recognizing and using network signals on LinkedIn.

Turning strategic insights into daily habits that drive continuous improvement and success.

  • How you turn these actionable strategies into daily habits.
  • Optimize daily efficiency with the right mix of tools (software and strategies) for effective execution.

This offer includes:

  • Conduct an intake call to tailor the program to your specific needs.
  • Two hours (online) training (on-site by agreement and for an additional charge).
  • A 30-minute follow-up session will be held 2 to 6 weeks after the conclusion of your training.
  • Remote aftercare is provided for up to 6 weeks after your training.
  • Checklist for personal branding on LinkedIn.
  • Checklist for your content strategy on LinkedIn.
  • Checklist for your network strategy on LinkedIn.

Richard’s experience

Martijn’s mastery in Thought Leadership is unmatched, always ahead of the curve and consistently bringing fresh, invaluable perspectives to the table.

When it comes to LinkedIn he not only understands the platform inside-out but knows how to leverage it for brand growth and engagement. Combined with his experience and expertise in productivity—Martijn doesn’t just walk the talk, he runs it.

If you’re looking for someone who brings a mix of professionalism, expertise, engaged training and long-term commitment to any endeavour, Martijn is your go-to person.

Richard van der Blom
LinkedIn Thought Leader & Trainer Social & Virtual Selling 

Martin’s experience

Martijn has helped me take a significant step forward in my quest to use LinkedIn as a channel. He easily switches between strategy and practice. So, this training was more than just a button-pushing exercise.

The preparation and intake were also well done, so it was precisely clear what needed to be addressed. This prevents a lot of time spent searching and probing to figure out what it’s all about.

I now know so much better what I need to work on to make progress. So, if you’re considering using LinkedIn, don’t hesitate and get started with Martijn.

Martin Blokker
Interim Change Manager

Ritchie’s experience

Looking to improve your workflows and gain more of the most precious thing we all yearn for?
Yes, I’m talking about time.

As someone who is extremely sceptical about any kind of overhead, I was reluctant when I joined my first productivity workshop with Martijn a couple of years ago.
Then I gradually understood the real power of meticulous, lightweight planning and routines that help us achieve our goals a lot faster.

Martijn is a powerhouse of productivity and he can turn you into one.
And one of the most likeable people I’ve ever worked with.

Ritchie Pettauer
Certified LinkedIn™️ Marketer | Lecturer at Univ. of Vienna

Contact me for more information

Do you need a even more tailored program or are you looking for a In company team training?

Contact me via or send me a DM via LinkedIn